jingle all the way…

My daughter found a loop of jingle bells at the coffee shop and insisted I buy them for her. They were kind of expensive for a handful of bells and very loud, as well. Thankfully, I convinced her that we could make our own jingle bells together. She was super excited when we found red bells at the craft store. “Red is my favorite color!” I stitched a little loop of fabric with some velcro and tada!

handmade jingle bells

I’ve been purposely slow on finishing this project. Four bells are plenty jingly and loud. I may add on a few more before packing them away for next year. Funny that they don’t sound as loud now as they did when we had rockin’ roll Christmas music playing in the house 24/7.

stash: red upholstery fabric left over from the rollie pollie. velcro from stash.