the most amazing dinner

broccoli chickpeas

This was the easiest and most amazing dinner I’ve made in a long time. I don’t know if I was just hungry or if it was all the garlic in the burgers or maybe the glass of wine, but I can’t wait for the left overs tonight.

First, I decided to take some of the dough from the fridge to make hamburger rolls. There isn’t really a hamburger roll recipe in my bread book, so I emailed Zoe for advice. (Isn’t the Internet cool?) She steered me in the right direction and the rolls turned out great, although I didn’t do a very good job shaping them. They were kind of oval.

Then I made Jessica Seinfeld’s Burgers 1 recipe. These were heavenly! T thought they were heavy on the garlic, but M and I both LOVE garlic. I made her a mini burger and I’ve never seen her scarf down meat that fast before. I used the pureed cauliflower for this batch. I’m curious to try the pureed carrot version. I made the burgers oval shaped to fit the buns.

The side dishes were so simple, I’m almost embarrassed to rave about them. Broccoli and chickpea salad and corn. Frozen corn. Microwaved with a teeny bit of Smart Balance. The broccoli and chickpea salad recipe is below.

Broccoli and Chickpea Salad

I accidentally bought chopped, frozen broccoli instead of the florets. Have you ever done that? It’s like eating broccoli crumbs. I created this recipe to make the broccoli seem less crumb-like.

1 15 oz can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 cup of frozen, chopped broccoli, microwaved until hot
1 T olive oil
1 T balsamic vinegar
1 t dried basil
1 t kosher salt

Combine everything in a bowl. The broccoli will make this a warm salad. It tastes good chilled, too.

4 Replies to “the most amazing dinner”

  1. That sounds yummy – and I don’t even like broccoli – might give it a try!

  2. Hi. I’m so glad the buns turned out so well. We just got our grill set up for the summer and I can’t wait to make some myself.

    The salad sounds wonderful as well!

    Thanks, Zoë

  3. I made the Broccoli and Chickpea Salad at a recent BBQ we had with the in-laws and it was YUMMY! And so easy too! Thanks for sharing..

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